Unexplained Infertility and Asymptomatic Immune Dysfunction

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), about 20% of infertility cases are unexplained. That means your reproductive endocrinologist has ruled out any structural, hormonal, and anatomical abnormalities in you and your partner. That’s great news! But what do you do now?

What if you’ve already cleaned up your diet, you don’t smoke or drink, you exercise regularly, you get 8 hours of sleep every night, you meditate, and you are at your ideal weight? Still no ongoing pregnancy?

What if you’ve gone the extra mile — you’ve cleared out all possible endocrine disrupting toxins from your diet and personal products AND taken all the supplements recommended by molecular biologist Rebecca Fett in her bestselling book It Starts With the Egg?

If you’ve done all this and more, and you either don’t want to go the conventional medical route OR you’ve already exhausted the Clomid – IUI – IVF route and no luck?

Should you give up on having a biological child? Absolutely not. While all of the above ways DO improve your fertility, they didn’t work for you for ONE. SIMPLE. REASON. No one ever explained WHY you can’t conceive. When you leave your diagnosis as “unexplained” that gives you no choice but to throw spaghetti on the wall and hope that something sticks.

Did you know that your immune system may be fighting off a chronic infection for which you feel no symptoms? Or that you may have food sensitivities that give such a delayed reaction that it’s impossible to figure out on your own?

These possibilities point to the reasons why YOU cannot carry a pregnancy to term right now.  You don’t know the answers until you get the appropriate testing. YOU are an individual with a unique body chemistry, hormone profile, and microbiome. This is why you may not respond to generic advice that worked for your cousin, your best friend, or your neighbor.

All of the above advice is simple, and those things can and do work for a lot of couples, so if you haven’t already tried those things, please try them as soon as possible! If you HAVE already tried everything and you’re curious about immune system dysfunction and gut health issues that prevent you from getting that dream baby you’ve always wanted, there is still hope. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation here to see if this may be the key to unlock your fertility!