5 Steps to Follow When a WATER Child Can’t Make Friends

WATER kids are the most misunderstood of all the elements. They may be socially immature for their age and have some developmental delays that are NOT severe enough to prompt a medical diagnosis. Put yourself in your child’s shoes and feel how lonely he/she may be in a classroom full of kids who don't relate … Continue reading 5 Steps to Follow When a WATER Child Can’t Make Friends

The 5 Elements vs. the 4 Waldorf Temperaments

When a Waldorf educator commented on one of my blog posts about METAL children, she informed me of the 4 temperaments they use at the Waldorf School to characterize children. At Waldorf schools, the teachers advise parents according to their child's temperament, and the teachers actually use the temperaments in their teaching style, and to … Continue reading The 5 Elements vs. the 4 Waldorf Temperaments

5 Steps to Figuring Out Your Child’s 5-Element Type

First, go back and figure out YOUR 5-element type. If you haven’t already, read my earlier blog post titled “5 Steps to Figuring out YOUR 5-Element Type, Mommy and Daddy!”. As I mentioned in the post about figuring out YOUR type, keep in mind that balance is key — all 5 types have their positives, … Continue reading 5 Steps to Figuring Out Your Child’s 5-Element Type

PARENTING ADVICE, SHMARENTING ADVICE: If one size doesn’t fit all for diapers, why would it for parenting?

I started this blog to explore parenting from a new angle. And when I say “new” I really mean “old” — VERY old, like thousands of years old. The 5 elements characterize 5 types of children and adults, and this characterization dictates how we can navigate through the parenting journey by working with our kids’ … Continue reading PARENTING ADVICE, SHMARENTING ADVICE: If one size doesn’t fit all for diapers, why would it for parenting?